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ILRS Eighth General Assembly

Preliminary Agenda

The Eighth ILRS General Assembly will be held in conjunction with the 13th International Workshop on Laser Ranging. The meeting will be held on Friday, October 11, 2002 at the Hyatt Regency Washington, D.C. on Capitol Hill, located in downtown Washington D.C. This agenda is also available in a Microsoft Word document.

Introductory Remarks J. Degnan
5 min
Central Bureau Report M. Pearlman
15 min
Science Coordinator S. Klosko
10 min
Network Reports (news and upcoming events)  
  EUROLAS W. Gurtner/W. Schlueter
5 min
  WPLTN H. Kunimori/Y. Fumin
5 min
  NASA D. Carter/J. Degnan
5 min
  Lunar Ranging Activities P. Shelus
5 min
Data Center Report W. Seemüller
5 min
Working Group Reports  
  Missions H. Kunimori/S. Wetzel
10 min
  Networks & Engineering W. Gurtner
10 min
  Data Formats & Procedures W. Seemüller
10 min


S. Riepl


R. Ricklefs
  Analysis R. Noomen
10 min
Pilots Projects
  Signal Processing A/H G. Appleby
10 min
Campaigns, Mission Support, and Tracking Priorities  
(Are you getting enough data? What analyses are underway? Any results so far? Who is doing the analysis? Any changes in tracking that you would like to see? )
  CHAMP L. Grunwaldt
5 min
5 min
  ETALON-1/2 R. Noomen
5 min
  REFLECTOR N. Parkhomenko/V. Shargorodsky
5 min
  ENVISAT B. Greco
5 min
  GRACE L. Grunwaldt
5 min
  Meteor-3M N. Parkhomenko/V. Shargorodsky
5 min
Overview of Upcoming Missions  

(What actions do we need to take? What is not in place?)

  ADEOS-2 M. Maeda
5 min
  ICESat P. Shelus
5 min
Annual Report for 2002 C. Noll
5 min
Discussions and New Business M. Pearlman
20 min
Closing Comments J. Degnan
5 min

Time limits are firm. Presentations must be concise. Use only a few summary charts. Tell us what’s new. Don’t rehash old things. Additional charts may be included with the meeting report.


Copies of your charts must be given to the Secretary at the time of the meeting.

3. An anonymous ftp site has been set up on host, directory /incoming/ilrs/ga0210, so that your charts can be made available to participants prior to the meeting. You may add extra charts at the meeting if you wish.



Content Owner and Webmaster: Carey Noll
Responsible NASA Official: Ed Masuoka
Last Updated: September 25, 2002



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