Achievements, Applications, and Future Requirements (R.
Noomen and S. Klosko) |
Zuheir Altamimi, SLR Contribution to the International Terrestrial
Reference Frame (Invited) |
Christopher Cox, Time-Variable Gravity Analysis Using Satellite-Laser-Ranging
as a Tool for Observing Long-Term Changes in the Earths Systems
(Invited) |
Frank Lemoine, Steven Klosko, Christopher Cox, Scott Luthcke, The
Development of NASA Gravity Field Models and their Dependence on SLR
(Invited) |
Graham Appleby, Toshimichi Otsubo, Evaluation of potential systematic
bias in GNSS orbital solutions |
Remko Scharroo, Contributions of SLR to the Success of Satellite
Altimeter Missions (Invited) |
Rolf König, Ludwig Grunwaldt, Roland Schmidt, Peter Schwintzer,
Chris Reigber, SLR and the CHAMP Gravity Field Mission (Invited)
Scott B. Luthcke, Frank G. Lemoine, David D. Rowlands, Nikita P.
Zelensky, Teresa A. Williams, The SLR Contribution to Precision
Orbit Determination in the GPS Era |
John Ries, Richard Eanes, Byron Tapley, Glenn E. Peterson, Prospects
for an Improved Lense-Thirring Test with SLR and the GRACE Gravity
Mission (Invited) |
James Williams, Jean Dickey, Lunar Geophysics, Geodesy, and Dynamics
(Invited) |
David E. Smith, Seasonal Changes in the Icecaps of Mars from
Laser Altimetry and Gravity |
Ken Nordtvedt, Future Interplanetary Laser Ranging: Science Goals
and Methods (Invited) |
John Wahr, David Benjamin, Shailen Desai, Geophysical Applications
of SLR Tidal Estimates (Invited) |
Richard Gross, Laser Ranging Contributions to Monitoring and
Interpreting Earth Orientation Changes (Invited) |
Erricos Pavlis, Monitoring The Origin of the TRF with Space Geodetic
Techniques (Invited) |
Peter Dunn, Absolute Earth Scale from SLR Measurements (Invited) |
Joëlle Nicolas, Pascal Bonnefond, Pierre Exertier, Philippe
Berio, First Results of the French Transportable Laser Ranging
Station During the 2002 Corsica Campaign for the JASON-1 Calibration
and Validation Experiment |
Milena Rutkowska, Janusz B. Zielinski, Preliminary Orbit Determination
of GRACE Satellites Using Laser Ranging Data |
Technology Development (K.
Hamal and Howard
Donovan, for Y. Gao) |
Karel Hamal, Ivan Prochazka, J. Blazej, Yang Fumin, Hu Jingfu, Jean
Gaignebet, Lasers for Multiwavelength Satellite Laser Ranging |
Georg Kirchner, Franz Koidl, Kilohertz Laser Ranging at Graz |
Yelena Isyanova, Kevin F. Wall, John H. Flint and Peter F. Moulton,
John Degnan, High-Power, Short-Pulse Microlaser - Power Amplifier
System |
Jean-Louis Oneto, Jean Gaignebet, Mechanical Measurement of Laser
Pulse Duration |
or Upgraded Systems - Poster Session (F.
Pierron and S.
Wetzel, for Y. Fumin) |
Jan McGarry, Anthony Mallama, Randall Ricklefs, Anthony Mann, Renata
Barski, SLR2000 Software: Current Test Results and Recent Developments |
Peter Shelus, J. G. Ries, J. R. Wiant, R. L. Ricklefs, McDonald
Ranging: 30 Years and Still Going |
Daniel O'Gara, W. Lindsey, M. Waterson, J. Kamibayashi, Replacement
of the LURE Telescope Controller Using COTS Components Using Commercial
Off-The-Shelf Components |
You Zhao, Cunbo Fan, Chengzhi Liu, Xinwei Han, Jianyong Shi, Xinhua
Zhang, Haitao Zhang, System Stability Improvement of Changchun
SLR System |
Abdallah Azzeer, John Guilfoyle, Improving SALRO Accuracy (Withdrawn) |
Monique Pierron, Francis Pierron, Jocelyn Paris, Ultra Mobile
Station FTLRS: Software Control |
Jerry Wiant, J. G. Ries, R. L. Ricklefs, P. J. Shelus, The New
MLRS Encoder System: Progress Report |
Francis Pierron, E. Samain, J. Nicolas, J.-L. Hatat, M. Pierron,
J.-F. Mangin, H. Viot, M. Laplanche, J. Paris, E. Cuot, Improvements
of the French Transportable Laser Ranging Station to High Accuracy
Level |
Sergiy Filikov, A. Dmitrotsa, O. Minin, D. Neyachenko, L. Shtirberg,
S. Tatevian, Upgrading of the Simeiz-1873 SLR Station |
Ludwig Grunwaldt, Reinhart Neubert, Harald Fischer, Kalvis Salminsh,
Jorge del Pino, First Laser Ranging Results of the New Potsdam
SLR System |
David Carter, System Upgrades of the NASA SLR Network |
Yang Fumin, Chen Wanzhen, Zhang Zhongping, Chen Juping, Hu Jingfu,
Li Xin, Upgrades of Shanghai Satellite Laser Ranging Station (Withdrawn) |
Howard Donovan, Loyal Stewart, Jack Stevens, Mark Levy, NASA
SLR Network MCP PMT Upgrade |
Tom Oldham, GUTS -- A New SLR System for Japan |
Hiroo Kunimori, Integration of 1.5m Telescope and Ranging System
in CRL |
Kalvis Salminsh, XML applications in SLR
Devices (E. Samain
and P. Gibbs) |
Van Husson, Loyal Stewart, ILRS Timing Devices: Specifications,
Error Analysis, BEST Calibration Practices |
Philip Gibbs, Franz Koidl, Georg Kirchner, Range Comparison Results
for Various EUROLAS SR Timers |
Werner Gurtner, Johannes Utzinger, Counter Calibrations at Zimmerwald |
Yuri Artyukh V. Bespalko, E. Boole, K. Lapushka, A010 Family
of Time interval Counters Adapted to SLR Applications |
Etienne Samain, An Ultra Stable Event Timer |
Loyal Stewart, Operational Performance of GPS Steered Rubidium
Oscillators |
Roger Wood, Philip Gibbs, David Walters, Christopher Potter, Getting
the Best from Your Stanford SR620 Timer
and Optical Chain Components (G.
Kirchner and L. Grunwaldt) |
Georg Kirchner, Franz Koidl, New Detection Package at Graz |
Etienne Samain, Time Walk Compensation of a SPAD with Linear
Photo Detection |
Jana Strasburg, T. Murphy, C. Stubbs, E. Adelberger, The Advantages
of Avalanche Photodiode (APD) Arrays in Laser Ranging Applications |
Ivan Prochazka, SPAD Detector Package for Space Born Applications |
Paul Hink, Charles Tomasetti, Joesph Wright, John Martin, Characterization
of a Microchannel Plate Photomultiplier Tube with a High Sensitivity
GaAs Photocathode |
Thomas Cuff, Richard Chabot, Testing of MCP PMTS: Use of Fiber
Optic Coupled Gbps Laser Drivers to Create Ersatz Laser Return Pulses |
and Control Systems (J.
McGarry and F. Koidl)
Roger Wood, Werner Gurtner, Herstmonceux/Bern Timebias Service |
Christopher Clarke, Julie Horvath, Intelligent Scheduler, Prioritize
in the Fly |
Werner Gurtner, E. Pop, J. Utzinger, Improvements in the Automation
of the Zimmerwald SLR Station |
Zhongping Zhang, Yang Fumin, Georg Kirchner, Franz Koidl, Automated
Operational Software at Shanghai SLR Station and Sun Avoidance
Software |
Anthony Mallama, John J. Degnan, Frederick E. Cross, Judith M. Mackenzie,
Infrared Sky Camera -- The Production Mode |
Jan McGarry, Thomas Zagwodzki, John Degnan, SLR2000 Closed Loop
Tracking with a Photon-Counting Quadrant Detector |
Wie-Tou Ni,, Mini-ASTROD: Mission Concept |
Laser Ranging (P.
Shelus and J.F. Mangin) |
Jean Chapront, M. Chapront-Touze, G. Francou, Recent Contributions
to LLR Analysis |
Jean-Francois Mangin, F. Mignard, D. Feraudy, M. Furia, J.M. Torre,
G. Vigouroux, The OCA LLR Station: An Update |
Thomas Murphy, APOLLO: Multiplexed Lunar Laser Ranging |
Ben Greene, John McK Luck, LLR Developments at Mount Stromlo:
Towards Millimeter Accuracy |
Performance Evaluation (C.
Luceri and R. Wood)
Van Husson, Paul Stevens, Oscar Brogdon, Hoai Vo, MyStationPerformance.COM |
Vladimir Glotov, V. Mitrikas, S. Revnivykh, M. Zinkovsky, The
Precise Data Processing in MCC Analysis Center |
Stanislaw Schillak, Edwin Wnuk, The Stability of the SLR Stations
Voordinates Determined from Monthly Arcs of LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2
Laser Ranging in 1999-2001 |
Toshimichi Otsubo, Takako Genba, Range Bias vs. Applied System
Delay |
Van Husson, Absolute and Relative Range Bias Detection Capabilities |
Turki S. M. Al-Saud, Status of the SALRO Station Past,
Present and Future |
Joëlle Nicolas, P. Bonnefond, O. Laurain, P. Exertier, and
F. Barlier, Results of the Triple Laser Ranging Collocation Experiment
at the Grasse Observatory, France (September - November 2001) |
Calibration Techniques (I.
Prochazka and U. Schreiber) |
Jean-Louis Oneto, Jean Gaignebet, Use of Free Surface of Liquids
in Interferometric Methods: Application to Split Corner Cubes |
Karel Hamal, Ivan Prochazka, Portable Calibration Standard Mission
Review |
Ivan Prochazka, Karel Hamal, Portable Calibration Standard Capabilities |
Karel Hamal, Ivan Prochazka, Portable - Pico Event Timer Upgrade
(presented together with the paper Portable Calibration Standard
Capabilities) |
Peter Sperber, T. Stautmeister, J. Kölbl, H. Tauscher, J. Kellner,
High Accuracy Short Range Laser Rangefinder for System Calibration
and Installation |
Matti Paunonen, An Experimental Common Detector, Coaxial Cassegrain
Laser Telescope and Its Calibration |
Jim Long, Nagendra Paudel, Local Surveys at Goddard |
Paul Stevens, Jim Long, Nagendra Paudel, Local Survey Relationships
to System Calibration and Bias Identification |
Operational Issues (W.
Gurtner and V. Husson) |
Randall Ricklefs ILRS Prediction Format Working Group, Creating
a Consolidated Laser Ranging Prediction Format |
Werner Gurtner, Operational Issues from the Stations |
Van Husson, Operational Issues from an ILRS Central Bureau Perspective |
Graham Appleby, Operational Issues from the viewpoint of SLR
data analyses |
Design, Signatures, and Biases (G.
Appleby and G. Bianco,
for V. Vasiliev) |
David Arnold, Retroreflector Array Transfer Functions |
Joëlle Nicolas, Jean-François Mangin, Gilles Metris,
and François Barlier, Difference of LAGEOS Satellite Response
from Raw Data Analysis of the Collocation Experiment Between the Grasse
Satellite and Lunar Laser Ranging Stations |
Toshimichi Otsubo, Graham M Appleby, Recovery of Target Response
Function for Center-of-Mass Corrections of Spherical Satellites |
Vladimir Vasiliev, N. Parkhomenko, V, Shargorodsky, V. Glotov, N.
Sokolov, J. Degnan, S. Habib, International Experiment in Space
for Investigation of a Novel-Type Laser Retroreflector |
Natalia Parkhomenko, V, Shargorodsky, V. Vasiliev, D. Voelz, V.
Gamiz, Test Satellite for Calibration of Large-Size Optical Imaging
Systems |
Robert Kessel, William Braun, Mark Davis, Amey Peltzer, Anne Reed,
Ilene Sokolsky, John Vasquez, Paul Wright, Development and On-Orbit
Performance of Moderate-Cost Spherical Retroreflector Arrays for the
Toshimichi Otsubo, Hiroo Kunimori, Keisuke Yoshihara and Hidekazu
Hashimoto, Reflector Arrangement on H2A-LRE Satellite |
Andrew Nicholas, S.E. Thonnard, G.C. Gilbreath, The Atmospheric
Neutral Density Experiment: a Mission Overview |
David Arnold, Velocity Aberration |
Seungbum Kim, Kwang-sun Ryu, Design of a Laser Retro-Reflector
for the First Satellite Ranging Mission in S. Korea on an Elliptical
Orbit (Withdrawn) |
Kattimuthu Elango, M. Pitchaimani, P. Soma, and S.K. Shivakumar,
Laser Retroreflector Array (LARA) for IRS Mission |
Robert Sherwood, Roger Wood, Toshimichi Otsubo, LAGEOS-2 Spin
Rate and Orientation |
Correction and Multiwavelength Ranging (S.
Riepl and E. Pavlis)
Stefan Riepl, David Ramirez, Cesar Guitano, Validation of Mapping
Functions |
Werner Gurtner, Eugen Pop, Johannes Utzinger, Zimmerwald Dual-wavelength
Operation: First Experiences |
Giuseppe Bianco, T. Oldham, M. Bieneman, C. Clarke, V. Husson, Two-Color
Laser Ranging with the MLRO System |
Virgilio Mendes, Atmospheric Refraction at Optical Wavelengths:
Problems and Solutions |
David Arnold, Wavelength Dependence of Range Correction |
Ivan Prochazka, L. Kral, Atmospheric Contribution to the Laser
Ranging Jitter |
Xiong Yaoheng, Feng Hesheng, Modification of Laser Ranging Equation |
Manuel de la Torre Juárez, George A. Hajj, Byron I Iijima,
Chi O Ao, Anthony J. Mannucci, Tom P. Yunck, A Database of Atmospheric
Refractivities from GPS Radio Occultations |
Ulrich Schreiber, Florian Seitz, Franz Meyer, Biaxial Rayleigh-
and Raman-LIDAR for Applications in Atmospheric Sounding and SLR |
Yury Galkin, Ruben A. Tatevian, Preliminary Estimation of the
Atmospheric Nonlinear Frequency Dispersion and Absorption Effects
on the Pulse SLR Accuracy |
Systems and Techniques (B.
Greene and T. Murphy)
Ivan Prochazka, Karel Hamal, Millimeter Ranging Accuracy - the
Bottleneck |
John Degnan, SLR2000: Progress and Future Applications |
John Degnan, Optimization of the Correlation Range Receiver Parameters
in SLR2000 |
Donald Patterson, Jan McGarry, Overview of Data for the SLR2000
Tracking Mount Performance Testing |
Ben Greene, Yuo Gao, Chris Moore, Y. Wang, A. Boiko, Ian Ritchie,
J. Sang, J. Cotter, Laser Tracking of Space Debris |
Stefan Riepl, Hayo Hase, Armin Boer, Wolfgang Schlueter, Eduardo
Carvacho, Rodrigo Reeves, David Ramirez, Cesar Guaitiao, Emma Chavez,
Raul Escobar, Carlos Bustamante, Roberto Aedo, Marco Avendano, Gonzalo
Remedi, Oscar Cifuentes, Installing TIGO in Concepcion |
Giuseppe Bianco, T. Oldham, The MLRO Project: a Status Report |
John Degnan, Jan McGarry, Thomas Zagwodzki, Philip Dabney, Photon-Counting
Airborne Microlaser Altimeter |
Etienne Samain, Time Transfer by Laser Link |
Hiroo Kunimori, A Satellite Laser Ranging System Based on a Micro-Chip
Laser |
Totals: 109 papers |