
ILRS Analysis Centers

ILRS Analysis Centers fall into three categories: Analysis Centers, Lunar Analysis Centers, and Associate Analysis Centers.

The Analysis Centers (ACs) access and process tracking data from one or more data centers for the purpose of quality control purposes or for the generation of ILRS products. The ACs are committed to deliver the products routinely, without interruption, at an adopted frequency and with a time lag approved by the Governing Board to meet ILRS requirements. The products are generated using designated standards and delivered to the Global Data Centers, to the IERS (as per bilateral agreements), and to other interested bodies. At a minimum, the Analysis Centers must process the global LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2 data sets and are encouraged to include other geodetic satellites in their solutions. It is anticipated that list of satellites to be included in routine analysis by the ACs can be extended if requested by the Analysis Standing Committee and/or the ILRS Central Bureau.

The ACs provide, at a minimum, daily-resolution Earth orientation parameters, weekly-averaged station coordinates and satellite orbits, on a daily basis, as well as other products, required by the IERS. The ACs also provide a second level of quality assurance on the global data set by monitoring individual station range and timing systematic errors via the fitted orbits (primarily based on the LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2 satellites).

Lunar Analysis Centers process normal point data from the LLR stations and generate a variety of scientific products including precise lunar ephemerides, librations, and orientation parameters that provide insights into the composition and internal makeup of the Moon, its interaction with Earth, tests of General Relativity, and solar system ties to the ICRF.

Associate Analysis Centers are organizations that produce special products, such as satellite predictions, time bias information, precise orbits for special-purpose satellites, station coordinates and velocities within a certain geographic region, or scientific data products of a mission-specific nature. Associate Analysis Centers are encouraged to perform additional quality control functions through the direct comparison of individual Analysis Center products and/or the creation of "combined" solutions, perhaps in combination with data from other space geodetic techniques (e.g., VLBI, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass/BeiDou, DORIS, etc.), in support of the ITRF or precise orbit determination. Organizations that desire to eventually become Analysis Centers may also be designated as Associate Analysis Centers by the Governing Board until they are fully accredited Analysis Centers.

(c.f. ILRS Terms of Reference sec 2.4.1, 2.4.2, and 2.4.3)

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Analysis Centers (ACs)

Center Code Contact E-mail
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäesie (BKG) Germany (log) bkg Dr. Daniela Thaller
Dr. Daniel Koenig
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France (log) cnes Dr. Franck Reinquin
Dr. Adrian Baños Garcia
Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI) Germany (log) (QC log) dgfi Mathis Blossfeld mathis.blossfeld@tum.de
ESA/ESOC, Germany esa Dr. Tim Springer
Dr. Erik Schoenemann
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Germany (log) gfz Patrick Schreiner Patrick.Schreiner@gfz-potsdam.de
ILRS primary combination solution ilrsa Dr. Giuseppe Bianco
Dr. Vincenza Luceri
ILRS backup combination solution ilrsb Dr. Frank G. Lemoine
Dr. Magda Kuzmicz Cieslak
Italian Space Agency, Centro di Geodesia Spaziale "G. Colombo" (ASI/CGS), Italy (log) asi Dr. Giuseppe Bianco
Dr. Vincenza Luceri
Joint Center for Earth System Technology/Goddard Space Flight Center (JCET/GSFC) Greenbelt, Maryland, USA (log) (QC log) jcet Dr. Frank G. Lemoine
Dr. Magda Kuzmicz Cieslak
NERC Space Geodesy Facility (NSGF) formely RGO Satellite Laser Ranging Group, United Kingdom (log) ngsf Dr. Andreja Susnik
Dr. Graham Appleby


Lunar Analysis Centers (Lunar ACs)

Center Contact E-mail
Goddard Lunar Data Analysis Center (GLD AC), Greenbelt, MD, USA (log) Dr. Vishnu Viswanathan vishnu.viswanathan@nasa.gov
Forschungseinrichting SatellitenGeodasie/Institut fuer Erdmessung (FESG/IFE) Germany Dr. Ing. Jurgen Mueller mueller@ife.uni-hannover.de
Istituto Naz. di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Naz. di Frascati(INFN-LNF), Italy Dr. Simone Dell'Agnello
Marco Muccino
Luca Porcelli
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA Mr. James Williams James.G.Williams@jpl.nasa.gov
Paris Observatory Lunar Analysis Center, France Dr. Sebastien Bouquillon sebastien.bouquillon@obspm.fr
Russian Academy of Sciences/Institute of Applied Astronomy (RAS/IAA) Dr. Alexander Ipatov iaaras@iaaras.ru


Associate Analysis Centers (AACs)

Center Contact E-mail
Austrian Academy of Sciences (log) Sandro Krauss sandro.krauss@oeaw.ac.at
Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) Switzerland (QC log) Rolf Dach rolf.dach@aiub.unibe.ch
Center for Space Research (CSR), University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA (log) Dr. John Ries ries@csr.utexas.edu
Central Laboratory for Geodesy, Bulgaria Ivan Georgiev ivan@argo.bas.bg
Delft Institute for Earth Oriented Space Research (DEOS) The Netherlands Pieter Visser p.n.a.m.visser@tudelft.nl
Hitotsubashi University, Japan (QC log) Toshimichi Otsubo t.otsubo@r.hit-u.ac.jp
Institute of Applied Astronomy, St. Petersburg, Russia Dr. Iskander Gayazov gayazov@ipa.nw.ru
Institute of Astronomy, Moscow, Russia Dr. Sergey Kuzin skuzin@inasan.rssi.ru
Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology (IAPS)/National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and INFN-Roma2 David M. Lucchesi david.lucchesi@iaps.inaf.it
Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Observatorio de Yebes (IGN Yebes) Dr. José Rodríguez jc.rodriguez@oan.es
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) South Korea (log) Dr. Eunseo Park skel93@kasi.re.kr
Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (GAOUA) Ukraine Prof. Yaroslav Yatskiv yatskiv@mao.kiev.ua
Newcastle University, United Kingdom Dr. Philip Moore Philip.Moore@ncl.ac.uk
Norwegian Mapping Authority (Kartverket) Dr. Ingrid Fausk ingrid.fausk@kartverket.no
Pulkovo EOP and Reference Systems Analysis Center (PERSAC) (log) Dr. Zinovy Malkin malkin@gao.spb.ru
RLRN Data Collection and Analysis Center, Moscow Oblast, Russia (RNAC) Evgeny Titov titov@spnav.ru
Russian Metrological Institute of Technical Physics and Radio Engineering (VNIIFTRI) Dr. Sergey Pasynok
Igor Ignatenko
Russian Mission Control Centre, Moscow, Russia (QC log) Dr. Vladimir Glotov vladimir.glotov@glonass-iac.ru
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO), China (QC log) Mr. Hunag Cheng hc@center.shao.ac.cn
Tsukuba Space Center/JAXA, Japan Shinichi Nakamura nakamura.shinichi@jaxa.jp
Wroclaw University of Enviromental and Life Sciences (WUELS), Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics (IGIG) Krzysztof Sosnica krzysztof.sosnica@igig.up.wroc.pl


Former AC/AAC Centers

Center Type Contact E-mail
Geoscience Australia (formerly Australian Surveying and Land Information Group, AUSLIG) Australia (log) AC Dr. Ramesh Govind Ramesh.Govind@ga.gov.au
Groupe de Recherche en Géodésie Spatiale (GRGS) France (log) AC Dr. Florent Deleflie florent.deleflie@obs-azur.fr
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology AAC Tadahiro Gotoh tara@nict.go.jp