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SLR Related Publications for 1987

Archinal, B.A., "Determination of Earth Rotation by the Combination of Data from Different Space Geodetic Systems", OSU-No. 375, pp. 91, 1987.

Arnold, D.A., "The Behavior of Long Tethers in Space".  The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Vol.  35, No.  1, January-March, 1987.

Betti, B., Carpino, M., Migliaccio, F. and Sans, F., "Signal and Noise in SLR Data", Bull. Geod. Vol. 61, pp. 235-260, 1987.

Born, G.H., Mitchell, J.L. and Heyler, G.A., "Design of the GEOSAT Exact Repeat Mission", APL-APL Tech. Dig., Vol. 8, pp. 260-266, 1987.

Brki, B., Geiger, A., Kahle, H.-G., Gurtner, W. and Dunn, P., "WEGNER MEDLAS Project, The Swiss Trans-Alpine Experiment", Report presented to the Crustal Dynamics Project, 1987.

Chao, B.F. and Gross, R.S., "Changes in the Earth's Rotation and Low-Degree Gravitational Field Induced by Earthquakes", Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc, Vol. 91, pp. 569-596, 1987.

Chao, B.F., O'Connor, W.P., Chang, A.T.C., Hall, D.K. and Foster, J.L., "Snow Load Effect on the Earth's Rotation and Gravitational Field", 1979-1985, J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 9415-9422, 1987.

Chave, A.D., Thomson, D.J. and Ander, M.E., "On the Robust Estimation of Power Spectra, Coherences and Transfer Functions", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 633-648, 1987.

Cheney, R.E., Douglas, B.C., Agreen, R.W., Miller, L., Porter, D.L. and Doyle, N.S., "GEOSAT Altimeter Geophysical Data Record User Hand", NOAA Tech. Memo, NOS NGS-46, p. 31, 1987.

Cheney, R.E., Miller, L.L., Douglas, B.C. and Agreen, R.W., "Monitoring Equatorial Pacific Sea Level with GEOSAT", APL-APL Tech. Dig., Vol. 8, pp. 245-251, 1987.

Christodoulidis, D.C., Smith, D.E., Klosko, S.M. and Williamson, R.G., "Observed Tidal Braking in the Earth/Moon/Sun System", NASA Tech. Memo 100677, pp. 79, 1987.

Ciufolini, I., "The LAGEOS Lense-Thirring Precession and the LAGEOS Non-Gravitational Nodal Perturbations", Celestial Mech., Vol. 40, pp. 19-33, 1987.

Clark, T.A., Gordon, D., Himwich, W.E., Ma, C. and 2 others, "Determination of Relative Site Motions in the Western United States Using Mark-III Very Long Baseline Interferometry", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 12741-12750, 1987.

Cohen, S.C. and Degnan, J.J., "Spaceborne Laser Ranging from Eos", Proc. of IGARSS '87 Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 18-21, pp. 373-378, 1987.

Cohen, S.C., Degnan, J.J., Bufton, J.L., Garvin, J.B. and Abshire, J.B., "The Geoscience Laser Altimetry/Ranging System (GLARS)", IEEE Journal of Remote Sensing, GE-25, pp. 581-592, Sept., 1987.

Davies, M.E., Colvin, T.R. and Meyer, D.L., "A Unified Lunar Control Network: The Near Side", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 14177-14184, 1987.

DeMets, C., Gordon, R.G., Stein, S. and Argus, D.F., "A Revised Estimate of Pacific-North America Motion and Implications for Western North America Plate Boundary Zone Tectonics", - Geophys. Res. Let., V.14, pp. 911-914, 1987.

Dickey, J.O., "SSG 5-98: Atmospheric Excitation of the Earth's Rotation", 1987.

Dietrich, R., and Gendt, G., "Investigation of Tectonic Deformations Using Global Satellite Laser Ranging Data", Geophys., V.95, pp. 453-458, 1987.

Douglas, B.C., McAdoo, D., and Cheney, R.E., "Oceanographic and geophysical applications of satellite altimetry", Reviews of Geophysics, 25 (5), 875-880, 1987.

Dunn, P.J., and Robbins, J.W., "LAGEOS Orbit Accuracy", -preprint of paper published in Proc. of the 3rd International. Conf. on the WEGENER/MEDLAS Project, pp. 267-276, P. Baldi and S. Zerbini (eds.), Univ. of Bologna, 1987.

Engelis, T.L., "On the Simultaneous Improvement of a Satellite Orbit and Determination of Sea Surface Topography Using Altimeter Data", - c.1: V.13, pp. 180-190. c. 2: Reprint in file. Pre-print received 871117-removed from file, 1987.

Engelis, T.L., "Radial Orbit Error Reduction and Sea Surface Topography Determination Using Satellite Altimetry", OSU-Rpt. 377, 178pp, 1987.

Engelis, T.L., "Spherical Harmonic Expansion of the Levitus Sea Surface Topography", -pre-print of a proposed OSU report. (No. 385), 48pp, 1987.

Eubanks, T.M., Morabito, D.D., and Steppe, J.A., "Earth Orientation Results from DSN VLBI at JPL", JPL preprint No. 158, 1987.

Eubanks, T.M., and Steppe, J.A., "The Long Term Stability of VLBI Earth Orientation Measurements", JPL preprint No.162, 1987.

Forte, A.M., and Peltier, W.R., "Plate Tectonics and Aspherical Earth Structure: The Importance of Poloidal-Toroidal Coupling", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 3645-3680, 1987.

Frain, W.E., Barbagallo, M.E., and Harvey, R.J., "The Design and Operation of GEOSAT" , APL-APL Tech. Dig., V.8, pp. 184-189, 1987.

Fu, L.L., Vasquez, J.,and Parke, M.E., "Seasonal Variability of the Gulf Stream from Satellite Altimetry", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 749-754, 1987.

Gaposchkin, E.M., Kurtz, L.E., Coster, A.J., "Matera laser collocation experiment", AD-A182214; TR-780; ESD-TR-86-199, 1987.

Gleason, D.M., "Developing an Optimally Estimated Earth Gravity Model to Degree and Order 360 from a Global Set of 30' x 30' Mean Surface Gravity Anomalies", - c.1: v.12, pp. 253-267., c.2: reprint received 871228 in file., preprint received 870330-removed from file, 1987.

Goad, C.C., "An Efficient Algorithm for the Evaluation of Inclination and Eccentricity Functions", - V.12, pp. 11-15, 1987.

Goff, J.A., Bergman, E.A., and Solomon, S.C., "Earthquake Source Mechanisms and Transform Fault Tectonics in the Gulf of California", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 10485-10511, 1987.

Gordon, R.G., "Polar Wandering and Paleomagnetism", - Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., V.15, pp. 567-593, 1987.

Groten, E., Hausch, W., and Keller, D., "Some Special Considerations on Gravity Induced Effects in Inertial Geodesy", - V.12, pp. 16-27, 1987.

Gutierrez, R., and Wilson, C.R., "Seasonal Air and Water Mass Redistribution Effects on LAGEOS and Starlette", Geophys. Res. Let., 14, pp. 929-932, 1987.

Hamburger, M.W., and Isacks, B.L., "Deep Earthquake in the Southwest Pacific: A Tectonic Interpretation", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 13841-13854, 1987.

Hauck, H., "Definitions of Terrestrial Coordinate Systems Close to the CIO-System for Satellite Laser Ranging", MG-V.12, pp. 132-136, ., 1987.

Hauck, H., "The Computation of Baselines Between European Stations Using Different Techniques of Analysing Laser Ranging Data", MG-V.12, pp. 45-50, 1987.

Heaton, T.H., and Hartzell, S.H., "Earthquake Hazards on the Cascadia Subduction Zone", Science, V.236, pp. 162-168, 1987.

Hedin, A.E., "MSIS-86 Thermospheric Model", J. Geophys. Res, 92, A5, 4649-4662, 1987.

Holdahl, S.R., Strange, W.E., and Harris, R.J., "Empirical Calibration of Zeiss Ni-1 Level Instruments to Account for Magnetic Errors", - V.12, pp. 28-39, 1987.

Holmes, N.C., and Reigber, C., "Study of a Satellite to Satellite tracking Gravity Mission", - ESA Rpt. CR-2419, 323pp, spiralbound, 1987.

Jensen, C., "Improved numerical differencing analyzer and fluid integrator, SINDA'85 user's manual", Martin Marietta Aerospace Corp., Denver, CO, November, b, 1987.

Jensen, C., "Thermal radiation analysis system TRASYS II users manual", Martin Marietta Aerospace Corp., Denver, CO, a, 1987.

Joffe, S., and Garfunkel, Z., "Plate Kinematics of the Circum Red Sea-A Re-evaluation", - Tectonophysics, V. 141, pp. 5-22, 1987.

Jones, S.C., Tossman, B.E., and Dubois, L.M., "The GEOSAT Ground Station", APL-APL Tech. Dig., V.8, pp. 190-196, 1987.

Jurdy, D.M., and Stefanick, M., "Errors in Plate Rotations as Described by Covariance Matrices and Their Combination in Reconstructions", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 6310-6318, 1987.

King, N.E., Segall, P., and Prescott, W., "Geodetic Measurements Near Parkfield, California, 1959-1984", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 2747-2766, 1987.

Knudsen, P., "Estimation and Modelling of the Local Empirical Covariance Function Using Gravity and Satellite Altimetry Data", - Bull. Geod., V.61, pp. 145-160, 1987.

Kroger, P.M., Lyzenga, G.A., Wallace, K.S., and Davidson, J.M., "Tectonic Motion in the Western United States Inferred from Very Long Baseline Interferometry Measurements 1980-1986", J. Geophys. Res. 92, pp. 14151-14165, 1987.

Kubo, Y., and Fukushima, T., "A Numerical Solution for Precession and Nutation of the Rigid Earth", - Reprt of Hydrogr. Researches, No. 22, pp. 167-177, 1987.

Langbein, J.O., Linker, M.F., McGarr, A.F., and Slater, L.E., "Precision of Two-Color Geodometer Measurements: Results from 15 Months of Observations", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 11644-11656, 1987.

Lansard, E., and Biancale, R., "An Alternative Method of Orbit Improvement for a Doppler-Tracked Satellite: A Step Toward Earth Gravity Model Refinement", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 10697-10710, 1987.

Li, V.C., and Rice, J.R., "Crustal Deformation in Great California Earthquake Cycles", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 11533-11551, 1987.

Lugoe, F.N., "Some Experiences with the Strain Analysis of Rigorously Adjusted Densification Networks", - V.12, pp. 75-85, 1987.

Luo, S., Zheng, D., Robertson, D.S., and Carter, W.E., "Short-Period Variations in the Length of Day", Atmospheric Angular Momentum and Tidal Components, J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 11657-11661, 1987.

Mantovani, E., Babbucci, D., Mucciarelli, M., and Albarello, D., "Africa Eurasia Kinematics", - the Proc. of the 3rd International Conf. of the Wegener/Medlas Project, pp. 37-50, 1987.

Manzoni, G., "EDM Nets-Second Order Design Weights and Field Measurements", - V.12, pp. 1-10, 1987.

Mark, R.K., Gilmore, T.D., Weiwen, X., and Liang, H.X., "Evidence of Suppression of the Unequal Refraction Error in Geodetic Leveling", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 2767-2790, 1987.

Marsh, J.G., Lerch, F.J., Putney, B.H., Christodoulidis, D.C., Smith, D.E., Felsentreger, T.L., Sanchez, B.V., Smith, D.E., Klosko, S.M., Pavlis, E.C., Martin, T.V., Robbins, J.W., Williamson, R.G., Colombo, O.L., Chandler, N.L., Rachlin, K.E., Patel, G.B., Bhati, S., and Chinn, D.S., "An Improved Model of the Earth's Gravitational Field: GEM-T1", NASA Tech. Memo. 4019, pgs. 334, July, 1987.

Marsh, J.G., Lerch, F.J., Putney, B.H., and 15 others, "An Improved Model of the Earth's Gravitational Field: GEM-T1", - NASA Tech. Memo. 4019, 354pp., 1987.

Martin, T.V., Eddy, W.F., Rowlands, D.D., and Pavlis, D.E., "GEODYN II System Description", Vol. 1 through 5, EGandG Contractor Report, Lanham, MD, 1987.

Milani, A., Nobili, M., and Farinella, P., "Non-gravitational perturbations and satellite geodesy", A. Hilger ed., Bristol, 1987.

Montag, H., Gendt, G., Dietrich, R., and Kurth, K., "Precise Earth-Rotation Parameters Derived by Satellite Laser Ranging Data", Gerl. Beitr. Geophys., pp. 243-257, 1987.

Moritz, H., and Wei, M., "A Simple Error Study for the Gradiometer-Accelerometer Equation", V.12, pp. 113-127, 1987.

Mortensen, C.E., and Hopkins, D.G., "Tiltmeter Measurements in Long Valley Caldera", California, J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 13767-13776, 1987.

Newhall, X.X., Williams, J.G., and Dickey, J.O., "Earth Rotation (UT0R) from Lunar Laser Ranging", JPL Pre-print No.157, 1987.

Rapley, C.G., Guzkowska, M.A., Cudlip, W., and Mason, I.M., "An exploratory study of inland water and land altimetry using Seasat data", Final Report, ESA Contract REp 6483/85/NL/BI, 1987.

Rapp, R.H., "An Estimate of Equatorial Gravity from Terrestrial and Satellite Data", - Geophys. Res. Let., V.14, pp. 730-732, 1987.

Rapp, R.H., "Private Communications", OSU, 86 Normals for Gravity, 1987.

Rapp, R.H., and Cruz, J.Y., "Spherical Harmonic Expansions of the Earth's Gravitational Potential to Degree 360 Using 30' Mean Anomalies", OSU Report No. 376, 22pp, 1987.

Rosborough, G.W., and Tapley, B.D., "Radial, transverse and normal orbit perturbations due to the geopotential", Celest. Mech., 40, (3-4), 1987.

Rosen, R.D., Salstein, D.A., Nehrkorn, T., McCalla, M.R.P., Miller, A.J., Dickey, J.O., Eubanks, T.M., and Steppe, J.A., "Medium Range Numerical Forecasts of Atmospheric Angular Momentum", JPL Preprint No.159, 14pp, 1987.

Rubincam, D.P., "LAGEOS Orbit Decay Due to Infrared Radiation from Earth", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 1287-1294, 1987.

Rubincam, D.P., Knocke, P., Taylor, V.R., and Blackwell, S., "Earth Anisotropic Reflection and the Orbit of LAGEOS", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 11662-11668, 1987.

Sager, W.W., and Bleil, U., "Latitudinal Shift of Pacific Hotspots During the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary", - Nature, V.326, pp. 488-490, 1987.

Sasaki M., Hashimoto H., (1987). Launch and Observation Program of the Experimental Geodetic Satellite of Japan, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sensing, GE25(5), doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.1987.289830

Savage, J.C., Cockerham, R.S., Estrem, J.E., and Moore, L.R., "Deformation Near the Long Valley Caldera, Eastern California", 1982-86, J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 2721-2746, 1987.

Schutz, B.E., Tapley, B.D., Lundberg, J.B., and Halamek, P., "Simulation of a Geopotential Research Mission for Gravity Studies", - V.12, pp. 51-63, 1987.

Schutz, B. E., "Satellite Positioning", Rev. Geophys., 25(5), 881–887, 1987.

Segall, P., and Harris, R., "Earthquake Deformation Cycle on the San Andreas Fault Near Parkfield, California", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 10511-10525, 1987.

Shuhy, J.L., Grunes, M.R., Uliana, E.A., and Choy, L.W., "Comparison of GEOSAT and Ground Truth Wind and Wave Observations: Preliminary Results", APL-APL Tech. Dig., V.8, pp. 219-221, 1987.

Shum, C.K., (ed.), "TOPEX Gravity Model Improvement Meeting Proc.", - Center for Space Research Rpt. No. CSR-87-3, 1987.

Sinclair, A.T., Appleby, G.M., and Xia, J., "The Coordinate System of the Earth Established from SLR Data", In Proc. Int. Symp. on Figure and Dynamics of Earth, Moon and Planets, Astron. Inst. of Czechoslovac Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1987.

Sjberg, L.E., "The Estimation of the Power Spectrum and Reliability of Models of the Earth's Gravity Field by Intercomparison of Independent Models", - V.12, pp. 104-112, 1987.

Smith, D.E., Kolenkiewicz, R., Dunn, P.J., Torrence, M.H., Robbins, J.W., and Fricke, S.K., "A Global Plate Motion Model from Satellite Laser Ranging", -paper presented to the Fall, 1987 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, 1987.

Soler, T., and Johnson, S.D., "Alternative Geometrical Determination of Altazimuthal-Distance Covariance Matrices", -Reprint from J. Surv. Engr., V.113, pp. 57-69, 1987.

Stoddard, P.R., "A Kinematic Model for the Evolution of the Gorda Plate", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 11524-11532, 1987.

Tepper, W.D., "Orbit Analysis of a Drag Compensated Satellite Using Doppler Data", Center for Space Research Report TM-87-02, Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX, October, 1987.

Turcotte, D.L., "A Fractal Interpretation of Topography and Geoid Spectra on the Earth, Moon, Venus, and Mars", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. E597-E602. Proc. of the 17th Lunar and Planetary Sci. Conf, 1987.

VanDam, T.M., and Wahr, J.M., "Displacements of the Earth's Surface Due to Atmospheric Loading: Effects on Gravity and Baseline Measurements", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 1281-1286, 1987.

Vanicek, P., (ed.), "Four Dimensional Geodetic Positioning", - Special Issue, V.12, pp. 147-222, prepared by IAG SSG 4.96 with 10 contributors, 1987.

Wagner, C.A., "Geopotential Orbit Variations: Applications to Error Analysis", J. Geophys. Res., 92., pp. 8136-8146, 1987.

Wagner, C.A., "Improved Gravitational Recovery from a Geopotential Research Mission Satellite Pair Flying en Echelon", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 8147-8156, 1987.

Wakker, K.F., Ambrosius, B.A.C., Zandbergen, R.C.A., and van Geldorp, G.H.M., "February Precise orbit computation, gravity model adjustment and altimeter data processing for the ERS-1 altimetry mission", final report ESA contract6140/84/D/IM, 32 p., ESA CR(P)-2436, 1987.

Wang, Y.M., "The Gradiometer-Gravimeter Equation in Various Coordinate Systems", - Bull. Geod., V ol. 61, pp. 125-144, 1987.

Wilson, P., "Kinematics of the Eastern Mediterranean Region and the WEGENER-MEDLAS Projects", GeoJournal, v.14, pp. 143-161, 1987.

Winterer, E.L., and Sandwell, D.T., "Evidence from En-Eschelon Cross-Grain Ridges for Tensional Cracks in the Pacific Plate", - Nature, V.329, pp. 534-537, 1987.

Yuen, D.A., Gasperini, P., Sabadini, R., and Boschi, E., "Azimuthal Dependence in the Gravity Field Induced by Recent and Past Cryospheric Forcings", - Geophys. Res. Let., V.14, pp. 812-815, 1987.

Zoback, M.D., Zoback, M.L., Mount, V.S., Stuppe, J., Eaton, J.P., Healy, J.H., Oppenheimer, D., Reasenberg, P., Jones, L., Raleigh, C.B., Scotti, O., and Wentworth, C., "New Evidence on the State of Stress of the San Andreas Fault System", - Science, V.238, pp. 1105-1111, 1987.

Zuber, M.T., "Constraints on the Lithospheric Structure of Venus from Mechanical Models and Tectonic Surface Features", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. E537-541. Proc. of the 17th Lunar and Planetary Sci. Conf, 1987.

Zwally, H.J., Major, J.A., Brenner, A.C., and Bindschadler, R.A., "Ice measurements by GEOSAT radar altimetry", JHU/APL Tech Digest Vol. 8, No. 2, 1987.